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Saving and Loading Settings

Audio Zone Trigger remembers settings (including Triggers) between sessions. You can also save them manually for later use. This enables you to have more than one setup. It's particularly useful when monitoring several audio sources simultaneously - see Can I use multiple audio sources at the same time?

To save current settings

To load a settings file

To wipe your settings

To create a desktop shortcut running Audio Zone Trigger with a specified settings file

  1. In the Windows Start menu, right-click the Audio Zone Trigger item and select Create Shortcut.
  2. Right-click the new shortcut and select Properties.
  3. In Shortcut tab, Target, append the switch /s and the file name. For example,

    "C:\Program Files\Audio Zone Trigger\AudioZoneTrigger.exe" /s frontdoor.sav.

The file must exist, and be located in the current user's My Documents\Audio ZoneTrigger subfolder.